Monday, February 1, 2010

Hide & Seek

Last week, I listened to "It's A New Day"--a neat Canadian show that features all types of guests sharing their faith journey.

The guest on this particular day was named Mike Shreve. He said something that captured my imagination.

He talked about how sometimes it feels to us like God is playing Hide & Seek. Hmm. That sounds very accurate!

He said during those times, it is not that God is hiding so much as He is wanting us to seek Him.

I thought about that. If I re-frame my attitude during such times, things would feel a lot safer...more secure...maybe even almost fun! Not that suffering (or what I dare to call suffering, which often pales in comparison to true trouble) is fun but to think that I have a Father who wants me to pursue Him the way He pursues me.

God is waiting for me to say, Abba, Father (Daddy), where are You? I need You.

God is ready to say, Here I am. Let's play! Let Me show you a better way than worrying. Let Me show you that I have it all under control. It's going to be fine. I'm here. I was just hiding but I am really here, even when you don't think you can see me. Even when you don't hear me. If you get real quiet, you might even hear Me whispering your name.

I'm checking to see if you are listening.

Wow! Discouraging days could actually be play days. Not that trials and tribulations are "fun and games" or that God minimizes my struggles...NO, just the opposite. He encourages me to smile through the tears and come to Him for comfort. To run to my Father's arms and discover..hey, His arms are really here, really holding me up and strengthening weakness fades as my delight in Him fills my heart once again.

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