Sunday, January 3, 2010

God Provides...Even Scorching Winds!

Pastor David's sermon on Jonah gave me some new food for thought (not seaweed!)

God provides.

Yep, agree with that. No problem.

God provided Jonah with resources to run. Hmmm. God didn't tell him to run but Jonah had $ to board the S. S. Escape headed for Tarshish, headed NWN (NoWhere Near) to Nineveh!

God provided an opportunity for Jonah to share his faith with the sailors. God provided grace for those sailors, despite Jonah's confession of his obsession of anger that the folk in Nineveh might make a profession of faith. Ironically, his admission led to the crew choosing to anchor their faith in the God of all Heaven and creation, Yahweh!

God provided a whale to "save" Jonah and give him "shelter" so he wouldn't die. Now that is just weird! But it worked.

God provided a second chance for Jonah to get his kelpy scalp to Nineveh.

God provided a spirit of repentance...well, maybe--I guess the people of the city chose to repent...not sure how to interpret it theologically but the Ninevites responded in repentance (God won't force anyone to repent). What an incredible miracle--everyone from the least to the King (and Pastor pointed out even the animals had to fast and wear sackcloth!) honoured God!

God provided unlimited patience of His own toward Jonah the jerk!

God provided a vine to give him shade.

Then God "provided" a scorching east wind to dry up the vine.

God provided a rebuke: Do you have a right to be angry? (Jonah amazingly dares to admit he does--at least in his mind!)

Usually we think about God's provision in a positive light. One of my favorite hymns says: He giveth and giveth and giveth again. He is abundant and generous and surprising in His care for us.

But I can think of times when God has provided a scorching east wind to try to get my attention, too. Those are not such great experiences. I don't like being confronted about my sin. How insulting! Ugh. How insulting for me to realize I am a sinner like everyone else and make my mistakes like anyone else, too.

But how incredible that my God loves me so much that He will send that scorching wind to get me back on track. He's not interested in my "falling" into the belly of a whale and being puked out covered in seaweed, messages in bottles and whatever other odd stomach contents might come with me out of a whale's mouth.

But He doesn't want me to waste time with stinking thinking (to borrow an AA term). He wants my obedience. My willingness to take a risk. To prove His graciousness abounds. To prove His compassion is beyond fathom!

God provides a scorching east wind at times. And that can actually lead to blessing.

The times when it seemed the heavens were brass and my prayers only ricocheting to nowhere were just that..something that seemed to be one way but God provided the answer I needed, even if I didn't like it. He provides what I need. What He needs to get my attention and to request my obedience.

All this is to inspire service to Him and others. It's not even about me ultimately. It's about Jesus and giving Him glory and honouring Him. It's about running into His arms but not staying there--then running to others and encouraging them to realize God provides. It may be in His own very unique way.

But God provides!

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