Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!


Likely more than 2010 changes have happened in this last decade!

Usually my year end reflections are mostly happy but for 2009, I felt a sense of disappointment. I felt like it was the year of too much wasted time for me personally.

My husband pointed out it was more a year of huge adjustment. We started out living in a (very nice and affordable but still) basement suite with horrible parking in horrible weather and a loooong commute to work for me. We moved to a lovely home mid-July which is one of the highlights of '09 for our family.

We had big expectations in many ways and as always, God surpasses those expectations with amazing blessings.

But still I feel like I have not been a good steward of personal time.

My hope for myself for 2010 is to make things right this make things count (NO, I do not want a career change to accounting LOL) make a show more love, to reach out more, take more risks, lose LOTS of weight (cough, cough, no really!!!) and write, write, write!!

Make it right.
Make it count.
Make a difference.

Sounds a bit cliche but that's not the important thing...the important thing is to pursue life and love and God with a passion like never before.

I pray and hope that on December 31, 2010, I will celebrate fewer regrets and true accomplishments that make life better for others and me, too!

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