Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me!

Ha ha...I'm not usually a self-congratulatory person (is that a word?) but I do love celebrations!

Birthdays always remind me of a new year...as Anne of Green Gables says, "tomorrow is a clean slate" - a chance to start all over again.

I remember years ago reading Barbara Johnson's story (I think it was called Put a Geranium In Your Hat) and how she decided to celebrate on the first day of every month. She cleaned her fridge and I think maybe her whole house and maybe even her purse...it was a long time ago that I read it but I like the idea (not that I practice it myself but perhaps I should start!)

Birthdays are times to remember...today is my youngest daughter's birthday and tomorrow is mine. My oldest daughter was our Christmas present and my youngest my birthday gift! Pretty good and pretty hard to top!

I'm not that excited to be 48 years old. My husband was teasing me about becoming "mature"...he's older than me, btw! I still feel a lot like I'm a small 12 year old inside my soul--I need to read Beth Moore's So Long, Insecurity-You've been a bad friend to me! That shall be one of my new birthday year goals!

But birthdays are also a time to look back and reflect on incredible countless blessings...an awesome family, great friends, happy memories, even some sad ones that helped develop character and wisdom and insight and bring strength to my spiritual life.....laughter, babies coming into our world, the memory of precious ones who have left this world for a better place, music, breakthroughs, adventures, embarrassing moments that later on make for hilarious stories to share....so many wonderful things in this life.

Thank You, God!

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