Saturday, April 10, 2010

Heart Ache

Sometimes I just ache.
I feel sad.
I wish that I didn't hurt other people's feelings.
I worry that I hurt other people's feelings.
I worry that I'm misunderstood.
I worry that I might seem mean or unkind when that's not my intention.
I worry that I'm too selfish.
I know that I am too selfish.
I worry that I know that and don't do enough to change it.

But comfort comes.
There is freedom to make things right.
I can ask forgiveness if I have caused offense.
I can move on.
I can take a risk of rejection and reach out in love.
I can live authentically and transparently so that if I am misunderstood or on those occasions when I really screwed it up big time, I can be approachable enough that people that really love me will confront me and help me make things right with them.

I can get my eyes off my self and do kind things for others.

Today I pray that my eyes will be open to opportunities...
to love
to serve
to reconcile
to pray
to be me and know that it's OK
There is always room to grow
And improve...

Isn't that what this journey called life is all about?

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