Friday, October 8, 2010

God Is No Man's Debtor

Last Sunday, Pastor Terry spoke a very straightforward message.

He talked about the verse "God is no man's debtor" (in addition to other things--the overall topic was worship) and how we get mad at God for not rewarding our performances for Him.

How true.

I've been guilty--thinking if I just try harder, do this good deed, read my Bible more (all of those are good things but God is not looking to be bribed into doing things for me!), God will perform for me because I performed for Him.

Last night I was reading from Matthew in The Message. It came with freshness that people who met Jesus simply believed and knew He would respond.

But what about when He says no to you or to me? What about when the answer is "Wait awhile"?

Then what.....

God is no man's debtor. Job said, "Yet though He slay me, I will trust in Him."

God will not slay us. He is the giver of good and perfect gifts. His love is pure and uncontaminated and intended for our very best.

So why do we struggle to see our Father as good when we have to wait? Why do we punish God for not being good enough for us?

Forgive me, Jesus....that is a horrendous sin. I am so easily entrapped. Your ways are higher than mine.

Help me to have the right image of who You are and the way You see me. Help me to become more focused on You as my greatest Gift rather than You as a celestial gift-giver. You are all I need. You are ALL I need. Be my all in all today, I pray.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Silly Goose...not just a phrase!

I heard the funniest true story on CBC radio last night! (Yes, I am a proud CBC listening nerd!)

The program was all about crows. This woman said that her family once enjoyed a stay at Harrison Hot Springs. In the morning, she looked out the hotel room window and saw a kitchen staff throwing out whole slices of bread for a flock of Canada Geese.

Crows literally "seized" the opportunity to confuse the geese. Their strategy was unique--they placed a maple leaf on top of each slice of bread. The geese, according the woman, had such poor memories they could not figure out where the bread went!

This led me to two possible conclusions--one I am more certain of than the other: crows may have their own Mafia and the term "silly goose" is not just a phrase, it's for real! Honk if you agree. :)

Saturday, September 4, 2010


My husband and I were talking tonight about many of them being places to pray.

I grew up in The Salvation Army and their tradition included a bench called The Mercy Seat. This was a place to pray for yourself, to repent, to respond in worship, to pray for others, to reconcile to God and or others.

It was very special and I miss that tradition a lot.

Recently my husband attended the closing ceremonies for Miracle Valley, a beautiful camp his father founded to help men recover from alcoholism and addictions. At that event, someone spoke about Leonard Ravenhill--Leonard had amazing influence. It was said of him that if you entered a room where he was about to minister, you would either flee for the door or head to the Mercy Seat!

The person talking about him also said the Mercy Seat at Miracle Valley was literally wet with tears when he ministered....and I would imagine many other times under the ministry of other great men and women of God, too.

Can you imagine having such a vibrant relationship with God that people sense His presence simply by you being in a room?

It hearkens to the day when Paul's shadow cast healing to those who stood in it. It reminds me of the mentally ill and demonized becoming undone as Jesus walked by to their shouts of "Have mercy on me, Son of David!"

I don't want to have that kind of influence in order to make people feel unglued. But I long for that level of holiness and intimacy with the Father that results in a sense of His very presence emanating from me.

It takes discipline, repentance, devotion, perseverance...oh, God, give me a taste of these things so that I will walk so closely to you. Really what it boils down to is not so much that I want to touch others (but of course, I want that in the healthy sense) as to walk into any place and sense YOUR presence. To know You are present. To not be able to resist Your holiness. To run into Your arms. To cry out to You for Your mercy. To reflect Your love.

Let me know You, Jesus, so that I might mirror Your hope, goodness, mercy and love to others and bring You praise.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me!

Ha ha...I'm not usually a self-congratulatory person (is that a word?) but I do love celebrations!

Birthdays always remind me of a new Anne of Green Gables says, "tomorrow is a clean slate" - a chance to start all over again.

I remember years ago reading Barbara Johnson's story (I think it was called Put a Geranium In Your Hat) and how she decided to celebrate on the first day of every month. She cleaned her fridge and I think maybe her whole house and maybe even her was a long time ago that I read it but I like the idea (not that I practice it myself but perhaps I should start!)

Birthdays are times to is my youngest daughter's birthday and tomorrow is mine. My oldest daughter was our Christmas present and my youngest my birthday gift! Pretty good and pretty hard to top!

I'm not that excited to be 48 years old. My husband was teasing me about becoming "mature"...he's older than me, btw! I still feel a lot like I'm a small 12 year old inside my soul--I need to read Beth Moore's So Long, Insecurity-You've been a bad friend to me! That shall be one of my new birthday year goals!

But birthdays are also a time to look back and reflect on incredible countless awesome family, great friends, happy memories, even some sad ones that helped develop character and wisdom and insight and bring strength to my spiritual life.....laughter, babies coming into our world, the memory of precious ones who have left this world for a better place, music, breakthroughs, adventures, embarrassing moments that later on make for hilarious stories to many wonderful things in this life.

Thank You, God!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Snail's Salad

A few weeks ago, we went camping (that's a whole post in itself--how is it camping when you get to enjoy a Netbook, try out Skype, watch TV --cable TV even! and have running water, a biffy and a shower in your trailer? Sweet!)...

Anyway, already I digress..haha!

Keshia and I went for a walk and we simply took our time, drinking in all the sights and sounds and scurrying of critters. Somehow one of us (I think it was Keshia) noticed a snail on the path. He was eating teeny tiny clovers...I said he was eating the world's smallest salad!

That moment is really staying with me...I wanted to start a blog called Snail Salad...Enjoy the micro-moments of life.

When was the last time I ever slowed down and crouched down to watch a snail eat supper? :)

It was magical for some reason. It was very cool. It was a great reminder...kind of like slow down and smell the roses or wake up and smell the coffee...mmmm!

About a week later I came back to my job only to find it had vanished like the wind. I think that moment was much more of a gift from God than I could have known.

Thank You, Lord, for micro-moments to enjoy and savor and for using a super small snail to grab my attention and remind me of Your blessings!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Beautiful things

green green grass...
sitting at a picnic table reading a good book
with the sun shining brightly
... a cool refreshing breeze
a bubbling brook
cute puppies
adorable babies
aroma of coffee...ahhhh!
hugs from friends
kisses from hubby
back rubs
FOOT rubs! Yes!
waking up praying
waking up!
waking up feeling grateful
So many blessings in life....people, of course!
Thank You, God!

Confessions of a FarmVille Freak

OK, OK, I am an addict. I admit it.

I play FarmVille on Facebook way too much.

I recently got rid of all my buildings. It was kind of fun imagining that the farm experienced a big storm and things got wiped out but then I decided no, it's a commune and Farmer Mim is getting organic and living closer to the earth literally. hee hee

I'm going to start planting crops that don't yield a harvest for 4 days..some time soon.

Ack, letting go! It's not easy even in an imaginary world! If only I can get myself as addicted to writing again as I am to silly old FarmVille!